What was in the team’s Christmas Cracker?

Each December the Staffordshire Moorlands Athletic Club holds the Christmas Cracker Fell Race at Tittesworth Reservoir.  cc-1Last year over 400 people took part in the fun event which takes competitors over the tops of the Roaches and along to Roach End and then back to the car park.  Most of the competitors are in fancy dress ranging from Christmas trees and fairies to Elvis and a pack of Dalmatians.   Some call it fun but its an eight mile round trip with an awful lot of up hill!  However, undeterred, the team entered two of its own super heroes in the form of Wonder Woman and Cat Woman but sadly their special powers deserted them on the day and neither won a medal.   The sensible members of the team prefer to watch from a distance but are on hand to assist with First Aid in the event of a trip or spill.cc2

Staffordshire Moorlands Athletic Club have always made a donation to the rescue team following the event but this year have broken all records with a fabulous donation of £655.

The team sends its thanks to the officials of the club for their continued support. We send an even bigger thank you to all those who took part and made it a record day.  See you next December!

Photos:  Over 400 competitors including men in red tights!   Our two Super Heroes, Kerry Clarke and Hazel Winder smiling cheerily (before they ran the race!).

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