Mountain Rescue – History & Development in the Peak District 1920s–2007

By Ian Hurst & Roger Bennett

Mountain Rescue – History & Development in the Peak District 1920s–2007 book

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Mountain Rescue in the Peak District has evolved massively throughout the twentieth century. There was no recognised rescue service to deal with accidents which occurred in the Peak District uplands in the 1920s and 30s, when walkers and climbers would access the uplands, often in severe weather conditions. Throughout the war years there was an RAF Team based at Harpur Hill, Buxton, dealing largely with crashed aircraft. However it was not until 1964, following a number of fatal incidents that a mountain rescue service was established.

This illustrated book chronicles the development of the rescue service into the efficient and essential service that exists today, covering significant rescues, the creation and continuing development of todays mountain rescue teams, working with helicopters, search dogs, the police and ambulance services.

Most of the photographs in the book are previously unpublished and provide a unique insight into the dramatic world of mountain rescue in the Peak District.

Both authors are active members of Buxton Mountain Rescue Team and will provide signed copies of the book if requested. All sale proceeds will go towards supporting the teams activities.

One comment

  1. John Thornton

    Dear Sirs,

    I have come across some photographs of my father and some of the rescue team that operated during the war years, also some bits and pieces, an old wrist compass he used in a leather case that he used to strap on his wrist over his leather jacket.
    He used to speak of some terrible jobs they had to do.
    Is there any one who may be interested in the pictures, at the same time do you have any information of the old RAF mountain rescue team that operated out of Buxton.
    Kind regards
    John Thornton Jr

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