Woodbank Country Park, Stockport

- Call out for year: 22
- Date: 11/08/10
- Time: 2:30 am
- Grid ref: SJ 907 904
- Type of incident: Non mountain (Police) Search vulnerable person(1)
- Team members involved: 1
- Time taken: 5hrs 45 mins
- Total man hours: 5 hrs 45 mins
Incident report
A search was initiated in the dark and very early hours of the morning for the dog teams of Oldham and Kinder Mountain Rescue, assisted by Buxton.
Search Dog, Megan, with handler Dave Mason, were called to help police locate a missing 33 year old man from Stockport, in an area of urban parkland. The man was known to be in a vulnerable mental state. Despite prolonged and detailed searching in dense woodland and along a river bank in muddy, slippery, underfoot conditions, nothing was found.
The search was transferred to Bolton Mountain Rescue to continue during the daytime.
UPDATE: The man was later located, arrested and charged with wasting police time.