Tankersley golf course, North of Sheffield
- Call out for year:
- Date: 29/01/08
- Time: 11:00 pm
- Grid ref:
- Type of incident: ()
- Team members involved:
- Time taken:
- Total man hours:
Incident report
Dog team and navigator called to assist South Yorkshire Police and Woodhead MRT to search for missing, 43 year old male last seen earlier that afternoon. The man’s car was located at Tankersley golf course where he had a hobby of collecting golf balls from the undergrowth. Police were concerned that he had recently had major surgery and had not returned home as normal. A search by police units including the air support unit had failed to locate the man. Search dog Megan was tasked to first search an area of woodland to the west of the course and then to re-search an area on the golf course previously covered by a MRT section. Search dog Megan provided two strong indications in an area of thick undergrowth but couldn’t locate a source. Area flagged as a high priority for re-search at first light. The body of the man was found in the area Search dog Megan had indicated by an MRT section at 0800.