North Wingfield, south of Chesterfield

- Call out for year: 2
- Date: 10/02/13
- Time: 11:00 am
- Grid ref: SK409 651
- Type of incident: Non mountain (Police) Search vulnerable person(1)
- Team members involved: 1
- Time taken: 3 hrs, 30 mins
- Total man hours: 3 hrs, 30 mins
Incident report
Search Dog, Megan, and her handler, were called to assist Derby MRT to search for a missing person after initial police activity had not located her.
The person, a 73 year old woman, was believed to have left her house at 6am. She had not returned within a resonable time despite the harsh weather conditions which was very wet and cold with snow. 31 rescue team volunteers and 5 mountain rescue search dogs were inolved in the subsequent operation, searching fields, woodland, and areas of waste ground on the outskirts of the town.
The woman was eventually located by Search Dog, Biscuit, and handler John Coombs, in a remote bit of woodland. She was alive but hypothermic. Additional clothing was provided by her finders whilst more rescuers and equipment were brought to the site. The woman was then treated on scene by team medics before being evacuated by stretcher across fields to a waiting team vehicle which drove her to a road ambulance to be taken to hospital for further treatment.