
- Call out for year: 26
- Date: 20/12/12
- Time: 4:30 pm
- Grid ref: SK036 875
- Type of incident: Walker Search benighted(4)
- Team members involved: 1
- Time taken: 1.5 hrs
- Total man hours: 1.5 hrs
Incident report
Search Dog, Megan, and her handler, were called to assist Kinder MRT who were looking for a group of 4 benighted walkers on the hill in poor weather conditions and fading light.
The group consisted of 2 adults, and two young people, who were extremely cold and concerned about the onset of hypothermia. A foot section had been deployed to a grid reference obtained through SARLOC, but the dog team was summoned to stand-by, if required.
The group was located and escorted safely off the hill. The dog unit was stood down.