
- Call out for year: 1
- Date: 1/01/09
- Time: 9:03 pm
- Grid ref: SK 12 92
- Type of incident: Walker Injured(3)
- Team members involved: 2
- Time taken: 3
- Total man hours: 6
Incident report
A man and his two teenage sons had been for a New Year’s Day walk on Bleaklow Moor when darkness overtook them.
Search Dog Megan with handler Dave Mason from Buxton Mountain Rescue were called with three other SARDA dogs to support Glossop Mountain Rescue team who had begun a search of moor in darkness and freezing conditions. The alarm had been raised at 17.30 hours by cell-phone but the casualty party estimated their position as being around Snake Summit when in fact they were located several kilometres away in the Alport Valley.
None of the party had a torch. They were eventually found after they used the flash on a camera to indicated their position to search parties. Apart from being cold there were no injuries so they were escorted back to the road.
Everyone went home at 20.30 hours.
Cartoon courtesy of John (barking mad) Coombs, Edale dog handler.