Bottoms Reservoir, Longdendale

- Call out for year: 18
- Date: 4/09/09
- Time: 11:00 pm
- Grid ref: SK 026 969
- Type of incident: Non mountain (Police) Search vulnerable person(1)
- Team members involved: 1
- Time taken: 6 hours
- Total man hours: 6 hours
Incident report
Four Peak District SARDA dogs including Buxton’s Megan were called late on a cold and very wet night to assist Glossop MRT in the search for a vulnerable female from Sheffield.
Police had located the missing woman’s car near to Bottoms Reservoir close to Glossop and Glossop MRT, a PDMRO water search team and a RAF Search & Rescue helicopter were all called out.
The woman was located about 05.00 hours by M.R. team members not far from the road. She had been submerged and was very cold but otherwise unharmed.