Winter wonderland training
When the Peak District National Park turns into a winter wonderland it is the perfect time for team members in small groups to brush up on their winter skills.
Today was the third of four winter skills training sessions led by experienced team member and WMCI mountain instructor, Mark. It was a good start, there was snow! Plans had to be changed slightly to allow for a safer journey as the roads had become a little slippy earlier on in the day.
Members had a very enjoyable and snowy walk with the opportunity to practise walking on steep ground using an ice axe, kicking steps, walking in crampons and talking about avalanche safety and snow risk assessments.
All useful skills for BMRT team members to have at this time of year. It was a magical day to be outside enjoying the beautiful Peak District hills and undertaking training too. #teamworkmakesthedreamwork#volunteering#skills#iceicebaby#happydays#snow#peakdistrict#mrew#pdmro#workhard#trainhard#volunteer