Searching gets high tech! (but useless)
Knowing how hard people work to raise money for the team we try our best to look after everything that you purchase. Every operational item is checked weekly to make sure it is in top notch condition and it was during one such routine inspection that an item was noticed to be missing.
Where was it? When was it last used? An internal enquiry was launched leaving no stone (or in this case, no fern) unturned. The vehicles were emptied and searched, and rucksacks turned out on to the floor – but all to no avail. It was declared that the item was last used on an incident at Hen Cloud near the Roaches when an injured climber was lowered down a steep bank to the waiting air-ambulance.
A search exercise was planned in detail and SARMDT, (Search and Rescue Metal Detecting Team) was called in to help. Half a dozen team members returned to Hen Cloud one Thursday evening and spent two hours being bitten to death by ferocious knats and midgies whilst a fingertip search of the chest high fern and bracken was performed. And all in search of what?, I hear you ask: a twelve inch long steel bar used as part of a ground anchor system, value about £5.
Did we find it? No. But, it was a good excuse for an evening at Hen Cloud and a pint in the Rock afterwards.
However, if anyone is missing twenty or thirty rusting beer and coke tins, we have them! Will swap for ………..
Photos top to bottom: 1 & 2: High technology searching by SARMDT. 3. Health & safety precautions in case we found anything unexpected. 4. Our intrepid (but useless) search team under Hen Cloud. (SARDA members, you have nothing to fear.)