Don’t BeBlamedForTheFlames – Roaches
Buxton Mountain Rescue Team were pleased to be working with our partner agencies, Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, Staffordshire Fire and Rescue and Staffordshire Moorlands Police at the Roaches to help get an important message across about the problems of fires, how they start, and the damage they cause. Many people will remember the terrible fire at the Roaches a couple of years ago, much of the damage caused by that fire is still visible and has had a disastrous effect on the wildlife and habitat.
We had been asked to assist with the temporary placement of a banner on the crag so that various media outlets, including the BBC News, could record the project and spread the news. The aim was to raise public awareness on the current risk of moorland fires, given that the ground is absolutely bone dry. The past few years has seen many fires in the Peak District National Park. The destruction to natural habitats is awful to see, so we all need to do our bit to help safeguard the countryside.
The project was coordinated with representatives from the BMC, and we are grateful for their support.
After the photographs and interviews had taken place, the banner was removed from the main crag and placed on a boulder below the Don Whillans Memorial Hut. Our thanks also go to the climbers who waited patiently while the banner was raised and lowered, and hope their day’s sport was not too disrupted.
Buxton Mountain Rescue Team is pleased to support the #DontBeBlamedForTheFlames initiative. Please share this post as widely as possible to raise awareness of the risks of creating moorland fires.