Demonstrations attract attention.

Buxton Mountain Rescue Team has had two recent events to explain what mountain rescue is all about and to encourage new members for both front line operations and supporting roles.Emergency Day  2014

Buxton Emergency Services Day was again blessed with good weather and thousands turned out to watch demonstrations by the police, fire and ambulance services and many more smaller organisations often overlooked by the public.   Buxton MRT was there in strength as Pavilion Gardens in Buxton became crowded from early morning.  Team Members gave periodic displays of crag-rescue techniques on a scaffold tower.  Team vehicles and equipment were on display and Bernard, our cuddly mascot, was in demand from the children.

Tuesday evening was the first of our three “Open Days” at the Rescue Base at Dove Holes.  Members of the public had the opportunity to learn how a call-out is handled and what equipment is deployed when a casualty is located.   Trainee Search Dog Zak showed off her skills and charmed the children.  Open days2014Open days 2014  Dog












Of course, whilst the events were good fun they had their serious side.  The intention was to raise awareness of mountain rescue teams and encourage interest from potential members and sponsors.   If you missed the opportunity to meet the team then watch out for two more open days in July and August.  We are actively looking for new Operational members to answer the rescue call and for others to help with the dozens of support tasks to be done which make for an efficient rescue team.

Please follow the links on the Home Page to discover more about membership or making a valued donation.

Photos:  Emergency Services Day , Pavilion Gardens starts to fill up.          Zak rounds up the interested people at the Open Day.    Team equipment available for inspection.    

Just hanging about really!
Emergency Day 2  2014

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