30th Anniversary of the official opening of BMRT’s Base at Dove Holes
Today is the 30th anniversary of the grand opening of the Team’s new base at Dove Holes by Her Royal Highness, Diana, The Princess of Wales. Members of the team, local councillors and dignitaries together with children from Dove Holes School plus representatives from Dove Holes community were all there to welcome the Princess. Princess Diana pulled the cord to unveil the commemorative plaque on the trig-point outside the building. Roger Bennett, the Team Leader at the time, had the privilege of talking to Princess Diana about mountain rescue in the Peak District and introducing her to team members. The Princess was very calm and soon put everyone at ease with her smile and humour, and she showed a keen interest in the exhibits on display.The team spent a huge amount of time and effort both in fundraising and in the construction of the new building, which was only made possible with the loving support of family and friends. Extraordinary help was also received from the community of Dove Holes including local businesses offering materials, transport and advice. The continued support from Dove Holes Community Association has enabled the team to develop and grow inline with the rising demand for its services.
In 1990, the team responded to just 21 incidents whereas last year, the team had over 100 call-outs for assistance. The team would like to send a big thank you to everyone who has supported us over the years. Covid-19 has hugely impacted on the Team’s fundraising activities and has prevented any anniversary event taking place. If you would like to make a donation to help keep the team operational, please click the link below.
If you have any old photographs, press cuttings or memorabilia celebrating Princess Diana’s visit or any other information about the Team’s history, we would love to hear from you. Please email roger.bennett@buxtonmountainrescue.org.uk