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The drones prepare to take to the air

Old meets New – hopefully they will be working together in the future
With the help of Pure magazine’s campaign, a number of generous people who donated through our website and all manner of kind folk, including a significant donation from Derbyshire County Councillor Jim Perkins’s Community Fund, we have surpassed our own expectations and have raised enough funds to procure two operational drones for use in of search and rescue with Buxton Mountain Rescue Team.
Initially these drones will be used entirely for training. A couple of months ago we …

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The countdown begins for Fell ‘n’ Back 2018

Buxton Mountain Rescue have released details of a new fell race in the Peak District for your calendars.

Fell ‘n’ Back 2018

The race is being organised by the Buxton Mountain Rescue volunteers.  Regular updates and information on Facebook/FellnBack

Date & time: 29 Sept 2018 , 11.00. Registration 9:30-10:30

Venue: Burbage Institute, Nursery Lane, Buxton SK17 6UL; Grid ref: SK 044 729. please note: 10 minutes walk to start/finish

Distance 19.6km, climb 730m This is a new race including some of the old Goyts Moss route and some …

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The Team wins a Civic Award from Macclesfield’s Mayor

Buxton Mountain Rescue Team’s Chairman Rick Mobbs and team member Andy Peet attended a Civic reception lunch at Macclesfield Town Hall on Sunday 6th of May 2018 to receive a Community Involvement Award on behalf of the team. The award was given to the team “in recognition of a sustained and significant contribution to Macclesfield” and a recognition of the work that the team does in rescuing Macclesfield citizens from the hills around the Town. The Award was presented by the Mayor of Macclesfield Cllr Beverly Dooley.


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Visit to Buxton Methodist Guides

Last week team members Jo, Dave and Matt visited Buxton Methodist Guides. The guides were given an overview of mountain rescue and how we help those in need, which was followed by some hands on experience with the teams operational equipment and were given a tour of mobile one.

At the end of the session they kindly presented us with a donation.

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New Trustees elected at the Team's AGM

Last night’s Buxton Mountain Rescue Team Annual General Meeting (AGM) saw three changes to the Committee. Rick Mobbs was elected as the new team Chairman and Rick’s old position of Vice Chairman was filled by Kerry Clarke. Richard Carratu was elected as Fundraising officer. The other Committee members who served last year were re-elected to their existing positions. The out going Chairman Richard Doran was thanked by the team for 4 years of service as Chairman. The outgoing Fund-raising Officer Andy Humberstone was also thanked for his service during a year which saw the team raise £50,000 from the public …

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Buffaloes donate £720 to the Team

At the annual dinner of the Cheshire Cheese Buxton Lodge of the Royal Antediluvian Order of the Buffaloes (Buffs), cheques for £720 were presented to both the Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance and Buxton Mountain Rescue Team by Mr David Bowers of the lodge. Mr Andy Humberstone, Fund Raising Officer for Buxton Mountain Rescue Team expressed the team’s sincere gratitude for all the hard work over the past year by the Buffs, their families and friends, in raising the much needed money for both organisations.

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Spanner Monkey's Roll Cage Installation

On Friday Evening, Logistics Coordinator Matt travelled up to Newcastle to collect the team’s Landrover Defender Response Vehicle from Spanner Monkeys, after having its New “Monkey Bars” Roll Cage fitted.
The finished product is a culmination of 3 months of work and communication between the team and Spanner Monkeys, and was far from straight forward. The original brief was simply, “I’d like to have the roof rack taken off and it swapped for a roll cage.” When we took the vehicle up to Newcastle to Spanner Monkeys Workshop and chatted about what we wanted, we all began to realise this was …

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Its number thirteen in an ongoing series of quizzes by our very own Quiz Mistress, Gillian Halliday.   The theme this time is finding place names in Great Britain which include a motor vehicle part and component.
You won’t need to be an expert mechanic, but a good atlas may be useful.  The answer to each riddle is a place name of somewhere in the British Isles that contains a reference to a motor vehicle part or component.
Winner receives a £10 prize and another prize …

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