Win hill, north east of Hope

- Call out for year: 75
- Date: 8/08/19
- Time: 10:31 am
- Grid ref: SK19800 84900
- Type of incident: Walker Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 6
- Time taken: 1 hour 14 minutes
- Total man hours: 7 hours
Incident report
The first of two call outs came in at 10.31 in the morning when Buxton Mountain Rescue Team were called to assist our colleagues at Edale Mountain Rescue Team as part of the mid-week joint call out procedure.
A young lady was walking off Win Hill and suffered an ankle injury, and was unable to continue. One of the EMRT rescue vehicles was able to gain access to the location via woodland tracks.
The casualty was helped into the vehicle and driven down to the road and awaiting East Midlands Ambulance Service