
- Call out for year: 026
- Date: 10/03/23
- Time: 10:50 am
- Grid ref: SK 00415 67771
- Type of incident: Walker Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 19
- Time taken: 4 Hours
- Total man hours: 76 Hours
Incident report
Tasked by North West Ambulance Service to assist with an incident in Wildbourclough. An ambulance had tried to attend, but got stuck in a snow drift. As team members walked in from the Rose and Crown, farmers started to move the snow drifts from both ends.
Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service also attended.
HART attended with their ‘Polaris’ all terrain vehicle.
Team members escorted two paramedics to the house where a farmers wife was lying with an ankle injury, and reported vascular compromise. She had fallen in the fields, and made her way back home.
She was treated and given pain relief before being placed in a casualty bag and vaccume mattress and transported to a mountain rescue stretcher. She was carried down the lane to the point the HART vehicle had managed to reach for transport to the ambulance, and onward transport to hospital.