Parsley Hey

- Call out for year: 020
- Date: 10/03/23
- Time: 10:05 am
- Grid ref: SK 14655 63897
- Type of incident: Other(10)
- Team members involved: 8
- Time taken: 7 Hours
- Total man hours: 56 Hours
Incident report
Straight from call out 019, tasked by Derbyshire Police to three individuals stuck in snow drifts in a vehicle near Parsley Hey. It was believed they were Italian.
Team members joined up with a police officer in their own vehicle and made their way along the A515 – there were deep drifts of snow which they managed to get through but the road was found to be blocked by stranded vehicles just after Pomeroy.
There were three cars and a transit van stuck with a total of SIX drivers, all of whom were well apart from being cold. None were the Italian drivers the original call was for.
A request was put in for Mobile 1 and Mobile 2 to be brought to Brielow Bar to shuttle drivers to the Fire Station’s Community Rooms.
Police officers then carried on, on foot to locate the three Italian drivers. Just before Parley Hey four cars were found close together stuck in snow drifts. A total of six drivers, with seventh walking up from further down the road.
All six were escorted to Pomeroy, and were sat in Mobile 4 to get warm while they waited to be shuttled to the Fire Station where tea/coffee and toast was laid on and gratefully received!
A total of TEN people were recovered from the A515. After several hours, once the road had been cleared, seven were repatriated to their vehicles in Mobile 2, Mobile 4 and team member capable vehicles.
All fit and well but cold. This was a fantastic example of working with other services during challenging weather conditions and we are grateful to all involved.