Kinder Scout, Edale.

- Call out for year: 77
- Date: 6/11/21
- Time: 5:30 pm
- Grid ref: SK 10360 87100
- Type of incident: Walker Search Overdue()
- Team members involved: 6
- Time taken: 3 hours 30 minutes
- Total man hours: 21 hours
Incident report
With strong winds buffeting the high fells and bouts of heavy rain, there was an air of inevitably when a callout came through in the early evening. A party of walkers on the Kinder plateau had struggled with boggy conditions underfoot and had lost sight of the correct route off the plateau. With daylight fading rapidly, and soaked through from the driving rain, they sensibly alerted Derbyshire Constabulary, who in turn contacted Buxton MRT.
Team vehicles met at the Edale main car park and, ignoring the delights of the village’s firework display, a section set off up Grindslow Knoll to the casualty’s location as shown by phone-find technology. Some of the lighter members of the team struggled to stay on their feet at times in the more exposed sections of the route, and the bouts of heavy rain added to the excitement.
Thankfully after reaching the plateau team members soon found the party of missing walkers sheltering in amongst the rocks on the southern edge path.
By now they were very cold and thoroughly soaked, but in good spirits so after a quick medical assessment were given warm dry clothing and escorted off the mountain back to their car.
While team members dried off and sorted their kit, some of the organisers of the firework display came over with trays of chocolate brownies. As we had all missed our suppers through attending the callout, the gesture was much appreciated. and as always, demonstrates the support the rescue volunteers receive from the local community; thank you.
A great outcome for all concerned and a timely reminder to all hill-goers of the bad weather which can be experienced in the mountains, especially at this time of year.