Turn Edge, Knotbury, Staffsordshire.

- Call out for year: 72
- Date: 15/11/14
- Time: 5:25 pm
- Grid ref: SK 0083 6773
- Type of incident: Mountain Biker Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 16
- Time taken: 2
- Total man hours: 32
Incident report
Buxton Mountain Rescue Team called by West Midlands Ambulance Service to assist its paramedics dealing with an injured trials-biker in a remote location.
The incident occurred when the 46 year old male, off road trials-biker from Swadlincote fell from his machine sustaining rib injuries. He tried to continue on his journey for a short while but soon became unwell and was forced to stop. The accident occurred on a rough farm track south of Three Shires Head in a very remote area.
A West Midlands Ambulance crew were first on scene but quickly realised that they would need help with extracting the casualty. Sixteen rescue team members responded hampered by the misty conditions and total darkness. The man was placed on a rescue stretcher and carried to the waiting ambulance for onward transport to a North Staffordshire hospital.