The Sledge Track, Edale.

- Call out for year: 16
- Date: 1/04/17
- Time: 3:25 pm
- Grid ref: SK 116 863
- Type of incident: Walker Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 4
- Time taken: 1hour 15 mins
- Total man hours: 5 hours
Incident report
Whilst attending incident 15, a walker reported to the BMRT Control Vehicle in Edale that her friend had suffered a fall whilst descending The Sledge Track into Edale village. The casualty was reported to have possibly dislocated her shoulder and, despite great pain, was slowly continuing her descent towards Edale with friends.
Buxton Mountain Rescue Team attempted free up a few members from the Chapel Gate call to go to the assistance of the lady on the Sledge Track. In the fifteen minutes it took to get a team vehicle back on its way towards Edale the lady presented herself to the Team Control in Edale. The casualty was a 53 year old lady from Milton Keynes on a short “break” in the Peak and was totally unrelated to the ongoing Four Inns Walk.
Following examination initially by team members and later by a Derby MRT doctor, the casualty was suspected to have suffered a fracture of the humerus and was dispatched to a Stockport hospital in an East Midlands ambulance for treatment.