Ravens Clough, Upper Derwent

- Call out for year: 49
- Date: 19/08/08
- Time: 3:10 pm
- Grid ref: SK128 942
- Type of incident: Walker Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 10
- Time taken: 4 hours
- Total man hours: 40
Incident report
Buxton Edale snatch squad backed up by Glossop were called to Fairholmes, Upper Derwent after two walkers from a group of five from Norwich had walked to a local farm and called for assistance when a 24 year old female in the group sustained an ankle injury walking in the Ravens Clough area. The two other group members stayed on site, erecting a tent and keeping the casualty warm.
The weather was heavy rain showers with a variable cloud cover, the Air Ambulance managed to locate the casualty site and land on when the weather breifly improved, its’ paramedic crew assessed the casualty and treated on site. MR personnel arrived soon after, the helicopter airlifted the casualty to the Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham for further treatment. The remaining two walkers on site were escorted to the Westend track, met by mountain rescue vehicles and reunited with their colleagues at Fairholmes.
One comment
Jenny was discharged from Nottingham quickly with some crutches. She was unable to complete her expedition on this occasion but is keen to complete next year. She has been granted an extension of one year to complete her Gold D of E. The rest of the group were reunited and completed successfully.
Many thanks to the team for all their help. – also to the lady at the farm house who looked after the two ‘runners’ .