Odin Mine, Mam Tor
- Call out for year: 23
- Date: 2/04/10
- Time: 4:39 pm
- Grid ref: SK 1330 8346
- Type of incident: Walker Crag-fast(2)
- Team members involved: 12
- Time taken: 1.5 hours
- Total man hours: 18
Incident report
A call-out for both Buxton and Edale Mountain Rescue Teams’ as a snatch squad following a 999 report of two men crag fast near to Blue John Cavern near Castleton.
On arrival team members began to search for the casualties who were known to be within half an hours walk of the cavern. Whilst the steep faces of Mam Tor were the obvious areas to search, first checks were made down in the deep limestone gullies above Odin Mine. It was here that the two men from Leicester were located.
The men had set off walking down the valley but found the water-logged grass and polished stone very slippery. They eventually became stranded above a particularly steep limestone outcrop.
Team members led one man to safety whilst the other was secured by a rope before being assisted back up the gully. Both were escorted to back to their vehicle at Blue John Cavern, a little damp but otherwise unharmed.
Photo: Steep grassy banks above Odin Mine lead to short but vertical limestone outcrops. In poor or wet conditions good footwear is essential.