Moneyash, near Ricklow Dale.

- Call out for year: 67
- Date: 18/10/14
- Time: 1:57 pm
- Grid ref: SK 164 665
- Type of incident: Walker Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 18
- Time taken: 1.5 hours
- Total man hours: 27 hours
Incident report
Eighteen members of Buxton Mountain Rescue Team responded quickly when called to assist East Midlands Ambulance Service attending a female casualty on a footpath near to Ricklow Dale.
The lady had been crossing a wall when she fell backwards about 1 metre sustaining a possible serious back injury.
Casualty treatment was by an E.M.A.S. paramedic assisted by team members. The 56 year old lady from Nottingham was placed in a special body splint before being carried by stretcher to the road were the ambulance was waiting. She was then taken to a Chesterfield hospital for further examination.
Photo Credit: Team members about to fix a wheel under the stretcher to assist in the evacuation.