Marsdon to Edale Fell Race
- Call out for year: 58
- Date: 2/12/07
- Time: 4:40 pm
- Grid ref:
- Type of incident: Fell runner Search Overdue(1)
- Team members involved: 25
- Time taken: 1 hour
- Total man hours: 25
Incident report
Buxton, along with several other teams and search dogs put on seearch standby for a missing female who had not checked on any of the checkpoints after registering for a fell race from Marsden to Edale. Due to the large potential search area, worsening weather conditions and lack of sightings, a number of teams and the search dogs were alerted.
The team was stood down about an hour later when local police enquiries located the woman safe and well at her home in Matlock. She had not told the organisers that she had decided not to compete.