
- Call out for year: 62
- Date: 20/12/09
- Time: 9:05 pm
- Grid ref: SK 076 834
- Type of incident: Non mountain (Other) Search lost (self report)(5)
- Team members involved: 4
- Time taken: 2 hours
- Total man hours: 8 hours
Incident report
A group of people from Wolverhampton thought it would be good fun to come to the Peak District for a days “off roading” in two four x four vehicles. In weather that kept most people indoors they set off along the track towards Malcoff off Rushop Edge. Both vehicles became stranded some two kilometres from the road and five people including a six year old had to call for assistance.
In darkness, deep snow and strong winds Buxton team responded to the call-out with its own Land Rover and crew of four. The party was quickly located and helped back to the road. None were properly equipped for the conditions with totally inadequate clothing.
With their vehicles abandoned in the snow and no buses running because of the severe conditions the party then had to be delivered to Stockport from where they could catch a train home.
A spkesman for the team said, “I have absolutely nothing to say!”