Kinder Scout, Western Edge

- Call out for year: 33
- Date: 24/05/14
- Time: 5:40 pm
- Grid ref: SK 08 87
- Type of incident: Walker Medical(1)
- Team members involved: 11
- Time taken: 2.5 hours
- Total man hours: 27.5
Incident report
Buxton and Edale rescue teams called following the report of a man having collapsed on Jacobs Ladder. Teams rendezvoused at Tipps Car park and started deploying equipment via Lee House Farm.
When effective phone contact was made with the casualty site it was discovered that they were further on to the moor than initially thought, somewhere in the Red Brook region. Kinder MRT was alerted and an air-ambulance was requested to search the western edge path. The casualty party was soon located and the air-ambulance landed nearby. Rescue team members continued to the casualty site and assisted with patient care. The man was airlifted to a hospital for further assessment.
Photo Credits: Top – team vehicles deploying equipment at the pack-horse bridge near Jacobs Ladder.
Middle – A bright window of opportunity in the otherwise miserable weather of the day allowed the air-ambulance sufficient time to evacuate the casualty.
Lower – Helimed finds a rare firm spot to land near Red Brook.