Kinder Scout

- Call out for year: 4
- Date: 11/01/15
- Time: 6:40 pm
- Grid ref: SK 116 881
- Type of incident: Walker Search lost (self report)(1)
- Team members involved: 23
- Time taken: 2.5 hours
- Total man hours: 57.5 hours
Incident report
Four Peak District mountain rescue teams and four Search & Rescue dogs were called to locate a man who had reported himself lost on Kinder plateau.
The weather throughout Sunday had been relatively mild but light snow from Saturday was still lying in gullies and strong winds and heavy showers throughout the day made for difficult walking conditions. Teams were alerted about 18.00 hours and each team rendezvoused at its own chosen location. The teams have a pre-planned system for searching Kinder which involves Buxton, Glossop, Kinder and Edale mountain rescue teams dividing the moor in to quarters. Buxton M.R.T”s usual search area is the south-west corner taking in the edge path between Grindsbrook and Swinesback rising up to the watersheds around Crowden Head.
Buxton MRT had twenty-two members committed to the search when Search Dog Flash with handler John Coombs from Edale MRT located the man near to the head of Blackden Brook on the northern edge of the moor. The man was unharmed and was escorted back to Edale village. Buxton team stood down at 20.30 hours.
Photo credit: Buxton members listening to radio message during the search of the plateau.