Kinder Scout

- Call out for year: 15
- Date: 5/04/14
- Time: 2:16 pm
- Grid ref: SK 1157 8833
- Type of incident: Walker Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 10
- Time taken: 2 hours
- Total man hours: 20
Incident report
Whilst competing in the Four Inns Walk our “Fastens” team was asked to help a youth group training for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award scheme. A 17 year old male in their party was suffering back pain and required assistance to continue.
The group had already activated their Distress Locator Beacon causing Glossop and Kinder MRTs to assemble in readiness to respond to the incident. However, when the Buxton “Fastens” came on the scene it was decided that the youth could continue to walk with help. The group were lead off the moor towards the Southern Edge whilst team members from Buxton and Derby MRTs bearing a stretcher and medical equipment climbed to meet them. Fortunately the casualty was able to continue on foot via the Nab in to Edale.
The Buxton “Fastens” then continued on their route to finish the Four Inns Walk if a little later than planned.