Kinder and Bleaklow search

- Call out for year: 74
- Date: 7/10/17
- Time: 8:00 pm
- Grid ref: sk 06 97
- Type of incident: Walker Search lost (self report)(1)
- Team members involved: 16
- Time taken: 3 hours
- Total man hours: 48 hours
Incident report
Greater Manchester Police had received a call from a man who, having left Edale at 9.30 a.m, was now having trouble navigating off the final stage of his day’s walk and requesting help. With little other information to work on and with continuing poor weather conditions, four rescue teams and four search & rescue dogs were called out.
Buxton Mountain Rescue Team was called at 8.00 p.m. on Saturday night alongside Kinder, Glossop and Edale teams to put the familiar Kinder Search Plan into action. Buxton team rendezvoused at Edale car park for a search of Kinder and deployed members up Jacob’s Ladder, Crowden Brook, Grindsbrook and Golden Clough.
More information was later received which indicated the man was on the first day of the 250 mile Pennine Way footpath and was believed to be on the northern side of Bleaklow approachin Crrowden. The search plan was amended to ensure the likely area was well covered the teams continued with their search until 10.15 p.m. when the man was located in Torside by members of Glossop M.R.T..
Following a brief examination the man was guided off the hill and down to his B & B for the night.
Photo credit: anonymous. It really is dark on Kinder!