Hen Cloud, The Roaches.
- Call out for year: 49
- Date: 12/08/14
- Time: 8:10 pm
- Grid ref: SK 008 615
- Type of incident: Climber Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 17
- Time taken: 2
- Total man hours: 34
Incident report
Buxton Mountain Rescue Team called mid-evening to assist West Midlands Ambulance Service dealing with a fallen climber on Hen Cloud, Staffordshire. An event hampered by heavy rain and the onset of darkness.
A lady climber, local to Buxton, had fallen and sustained a potential fracture of an ankle when she landed on a rocky ledge, about three metres above ground. First aid was given by West Midlands Ambulance staff (one of which happened to be a member of Cheshire A.L.S.A.R.) and a Buxton team doctor. The lady was then strapped into a specially designed rescue harness whilst she was gently lowered from the ledge to ground level. Following further examination the casualty was then placed onto a rescue stretcher to be lowered back down the steep hillside to where the ambulance was waiting.
Her friends in the local climbing club were of great help during the incident and later at hospital. The casualty was released in the early hours with a plaster cast and crutches.
Photo: Top: Awkward access to the casualty site indicated by the uppermost team members. Lower: Nearly midnight but there’s plenty of wet kit to be sorted out at base.
Thanks so much for coming out to rescue me last night in the wind and rain, what a fantastic job you did of getting me down off Hen Cloud! It appears I have chipped my ankle bone! I feel very lucky to have been helped by such a professional organisation and can’t praise you enough! As you mentioned in your report Buxton Mountaineering Club my local club were all switched on and a great aid to getting help and taking care of me.
The ambulance staff thoroughly enjoyed watching you work as well.
Thanks a lot!
Glad You’re ok Jo, and hopefully on the mend!! Was a pleasure working with Buxton mountain Rescue team and hope to work with such a professional and dedicated organisation in the near future, both with CSAR and WMAS!! xx