Gradbach, Forest Wood

- Call out for year: 11
- Date: 19/03/14
- Time: 3:35 pm
- Grid ref: SJ 989 656
- Type of incident: Walker Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 19
- Time taken: 2 hours
- Total man hours: 38
Incident report
Nineteen members of Buxton Mountain Rescue Team responded when West Midlands Ambulance Service called for assistance at an incident in Forest Wood near Gradbach, Staffordshire. A mature lady from Duffield, Derbyshire, had been walking with her husband when a slip resulted in a suspected fractured ankle. The lady was treated by a paramedic from W.M.A.S and team members before being loaded onto a rescue stretcher. The steep hillside created some initial problems but a back-rope provided security and the lady was soon on level ground for the short carry-out to a waiting ambulance.
Photo Credit: BMRT ; The casualty, on a stretcher, is gently lowered down the steep hillside.