
- Call out for year: 6
- Date: 9/02/12
- Time: 2:56 pm
- Grid ref: SJ99148 65317
- Type of incident: Orienteer Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 15
- Time taken: 3 hrs 45 mins
- Total man hours: 56 hrs 25 mins
Incident report
Teaam called in the afternoon following reports of an injured person in Forest Wood, east of Lud’s Church. The weather conditions were thick hill mist, freezing rain, with snow covering the ground.
The casualty, a 17 year old female from Hasland, Chesterfield, had slipped and sustained lower leg injuries whilst walking. Team members were deployed with equipment, assisted by a local farmer in his off-road vehicle. Having been stationary for about 2 hours, the casualty was very cold, wet, and in pain. The Derby Team member who found her provided some initial care. This was boosted by further treated on site by Buxton Team personnel for a suspected fracture/dislocation of her lower leg. The young woman was then evacuated by stretcher for over 1 kilometre to Roach End, where she was transferred to a land ambulance and taken to the North Staffs Royal Infirmary.
Team members returned via the Forest, collecting equipment en-route to Gradbach.