Doxey’s Pool, the Roaches

- Call out for year: 48
- Date: 6/10/09
- Time: 3:33 pm
- Grid ref: SK 0012 6329
- Type of incident: Walker Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 12
- Time taken: 2.5 hours
- Total man hours: 30
Incident report
Poor weather and reduced visibility prevented an air-ambulance attending this incident on the Roaches. The team was called to rendezvous at Roach End to assist a 34 year old male walker who had slipped and sustained a lower leg injury near Doxey’s Pool on the Roaches ridge. Ambulance paramedics were first to arrive and treated the casualty who was then loaded onto a mountain rescue stretcher. Wind and low cloud hampered the 1.5 kilometre carry off to a waiting ambulance which then transferred the man to North Staffordshire Hospital.
Photo: Low cloud and rain hamper the carry off.
Comments from The Area North Manager, West Midlands Ambulance Service.
Hello to all the brillant Buxton Mountain Rescue Team,
I hope you will not mind if I send you these photographs of the outstanding work you all did to rescue the 34 year old gentleman with the ankle injury, thank god that there are people like you around, thank you so much.
The standing bowers Doxy’s pool story…
There was a rock by Doxy’s pool, a little girl called doxy sat on it everyday, you see her dad worked at the mill and He walked there. Doxy accompanied her dad halfway there, to the rock and her dad said no matter what never go in the pond because no one knows how deep it is. She goes with him in the morning and goes back to the rock, stands on it and waves to her dad when he comes back from work then they walk home together. One day Doxy’s dad got to the spot when he could see doxy waving but he couldn’t see her so he walked down to the rock and found Doxy’s shoes on the rock and her tiny footsteps leading towards the pond she was no where to be found but the pond water was now black… Now what they thought was a sea creature (mermaid type) Haunted the pond and that it lured doxy in then killed her, this was there explanation for drowning and from there on it was called Doxy’s Pool, in memory of doxy. A few years later two girls drowned in Doxy’s pool and people beloved it was doxy who killed them. Now fast forward a few hundred years to one or two years ago, a group of people went to the roaches with Standon Bowers outdoor education centre and they split the people in half, half went scrambling in the rocks and the other half went on a walk, now it was a very hot day and they had reached Doxy’s pool and one person asked if they could all paddle in it so the supervisors got a rope and cornered off a bit of the pond and said keep to this bit and as there always is there is a trouble maker who goes past the rope then suddenly the troublemaker runs out screaming and it looks like he had a piece of wood wedged in his leg and they couldn’t get it out so they had to call the air ambulance to get him, it turned out that he had a finger stuck in his leg that was over 100 years old, I wonder who’s it was
(Standon Bowers OEC own this)