Cave Dale, Castleton.

- Call out for year: 42
- Date: 9/07/16
- Time: 2:55 pm
- Grid ref: SK 14 81
- Type of incident: Mountain Biker Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 5
- Time taken: 1
- Total man hours: 5
Incident report
Buxton Mountain Rescue Team, together with Edale M.R.T, was called to Cave Dale in Castleton to assist a mountain biker who had taken a bad fall.
Edale M.R.T. had members close by covering the Severn Trent Mountain Challenge who were able to provide a quick response and deliver much needed pain relief. As other team members arrived the casualty was protected from the rain and cold as treatment for her suspected shoulder dislocation began. Following treatment the casualty, a lady from Heaton Chapel, Stockport, was carried by stretcher down Cave Dale and to an East Midlands Ambulance for transport to hospital.