Brand Side.

- Call out for year: 10
- Date: 29/01/15
- Time: 11:20 am
- Grid ref: SK 043 658
- Type of incident: Non mountain (Ambulance) problem undisclosed(1)
- Team members involved: 7
- Time taken: 2
- Total man hours: 14
Incident report
Team vehicle drivers, on stand-by at the Dove Holes Base as part of the Emergency Services Contingency Plan, were soon called by East Midlands Ambulance Service when it was reported that a 90 year old man required urgent transfer from his remote house to a Buxton nursing home.
Heavy snow was still falling and the A53, Buxton-Leek road was already closed. A team ambulance was despatched which picked up additional members on its way through Buxton. The steep Brand Side road was filled with snow so the ambulance was abandoned at the junction with the A53. Six team members set off on foot sledging a rescue stretcher and medical equipment towards the village. A second team vehicle established a control point providing a radio link between the rescuers and medical advice from the ambulance service.
After gaining access to the house the man was medically assessed and then placed on the stretcher. It looked as if it was to be a long sledge ride back to the ambulance in very cold conditions but for the generous offer of assistance from the driver of a beefy 4 x 4 vehicle. The offer was gladly accepted and the casualty was back up the hill and on board the ambulance inside fifteen minutes. He was then taken back into Buxton and the welcoming warmth of a nursing home.
The team sends a very special thanks to DHRA Geotechnical Ltd of Buxton for the generous use of their 4 x x vehicle.
Photo Credit: BMRT – Team members setting off with stretcher and medical equipment for the trek to the remote house down the snow filled road.