A54, Macclesfield Road, Buxton

- Call out for year: 32
- Date: 10/07/09
- Time: 10:55 pm
- Grid ref: SK 032 718
- Type of incident: Non mountain (Ambulance) Injured(1)
- Team members involved: 14
- Time taken: 1 hour
- Total man hours: 14 hours
Incident report
Very late on a Friday evening, East Midlands Ambulance Service requested the assistance of mountain rescue in dealing with a serious road traffic incident on the A54 Macclesfield Road near to Turret Plantation.
A 20 year old motorcyclist from Llangollen in North Wales had landed some 40 feet below the road level in a steep ravine and stream bed. An East Midlands ambulance crew was already treating the significant injuries that the motorcyclist had sustained but the team was required to set-up a lift system to bring the casualty back to the roadside. The police closed the A class road to protect all the emergency personel from traffic and to provide room for a rope pulley system to be operated. After treatment at the scene the casualty was loaded onto a mountain rescue stretcher and then gently hoisted to road level using techniques more often practiced on climbing crags. An ambulance was then waiting to transfer the injured rider to Macclesfield Hospital.