Call Outs

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Soloman's Temple

Buxton Mountain Rescue Team called to rendezvous at Pooles Cavern following the report of a gentleman having slipped and suffered an injury whilst walking near Soloman’s Temple (Grinlow Tower) in Buxton.
As the exact location of the incident became clearer the rendezvous was changed to Grinlow Car-park near to the caravan site.  Members swiftly climbed towards the popular landmark where they found the casualty from Litchfield patiently waiting and in good spirits.
Following an examination of the injured leg it was splinted before the casualty was carried by stretcher back down …

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Castle Naze

A call-out for Buxton Mountain Rescue Team following a request from East Midlands Ambulance Service for assistance with a walking accident near Castle Naze above Combs Valley.
The ambulance service had taken a call relating to a 49 year old lady having stumbled and sustained an ankle injury whilst descending from Combs Moss towards the road.   The solo walker had been assisted two other passing walkers who slowly helped her hobble several hundred yards towards the road.
As the first team members arrived they met the lady at the roadside stile and shortly afterwards an E.M.A.S ambulance and the team vehicle …

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Buxton Road, Whaley Bridge

On the evening of Sunday 2nd of April Buxton Mountain Rescue Team was called alongside two appliances from Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service and the East Midlands Ambulance Service to an incident adjacent to Buxton Road in Whaley Bridge.
A local 48 year-old man had entered woodlands in the dark and had stumbled and fallen some ten metres down a steep embankment suffering what was feared to be significant injuries.   The casualty was treated on …

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The Sledge Track, Edale.

Whilst attending incident 15,  a walker reported to the BMRT Control Vehicle in Edale that her friend had suffered a fall whilst descending The Sledge Track into Edale village.   The casualty was reported to have possibly dislocated her shoulder and, despite great pain, was slowly continuing her descent towards Edale with friends.
Buxton Mountain Rescue Team attempted free up a few members from the Chapel Gate call to go to the assistance of the lady on the Sledge Track.  In the fifteen minutes it took to get a team vehicle back on its way towards Edale the lady presented herself to …

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Chapel Gate Track

Whilst providing safety cover alongside Derby MRT for the classic Four Inns Walk Buxton Mountain Rescue Team was alerted to an incident on the Chapel Gate Track in the Edale Valley.
A nineteen year old female competitor was reported to have suffered a seizure whilst climbing the track towards Rushop Edge.   Unsure of the exact location of the incident, ten members of Buxton MRT were initially dispatched to the scene, some climbing from the Edale Valley whilst others made their way down from the top.  A group from Derby MRT including a team doctor was also sent from the Walk …

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