BMRT President, Nigel Vardy
Its not very often we write or post about one of our own on any social media platform, however we would like to celebrate the dedication to exploration of Nigel Vardy, the Buxton Mountain Rescue Team President.
Nigel has carved out a career in the mountaineering world as an explorer, record breaker, author and motivational speaker. He has numerous and varied accolades to his name, and it was of no surprise to us that Bear Grylls has interviewed him for his BecomingX project or that Peak District National Park wanted to include him in #70people70days .
His work has been to promote, educated and inspire as a writer, motivational speaker and experienced hand in many different environments.
We are very proud to have such an ambassador for our team and the Peak District.
There are some links below… see if you can find out how he got his nickname Mr Frostbite and what his world record is for!…/70people70years-nigel…#mountainlife#climbing#mountainreacueenglandandwales #emergencyservices #buxtonmountainrescue#teamwork#mountainrescue#searchandrescue#peakdistrict#volunteers#peakdistrictnationalpark#hiking#walking#search#rescue#emergencyservices#outdoors#firstaid#volunteering#volunteer#savinglives#rescueservices#peakdistrictmountainrescue#edale#kinderscout#Trailrunning#mountaineering#getoutside#beargrylls #nigelvardy #mrfrostbite #becomingextraordinary #leadership #inspire #nature