Death of Team President, Ian Hurst.
Buxton Mountain Rescue Team is deeply saddened to announce the death of its Honorary President, Ian Hurst M.B.E. on Wednesday 22nd March.
Ian was a member of Buxton Mountain Rescue Team for twenty-six years but his involvement with mountain rescue in the Peak District goes back to the very beginning of the regional organisation in 1964. In fact Ian, as a then voluntary warden with the Peak District National Park Authority, was already regularly dealing with mountain accidents when the 1964 Four Inns tragedy gave rise to the formation of the Peak District Mountain Rescue Organisation.
During fifty years Ian served the regional rescue organisation in nearly every capacity including spells as secretary, insurance officer and treasurer. In 1972 he became a founder member of the PDMRO Incident Controllers’ Panel which took over from the previous Search Controllers’ group. As an Incident Controller, Ian was often the first point of contact when an accident was reported and consequently has dealt with hundreds of call for assistance from injured or lost people. Ian only retired from Incident Controller duties in 2013.
Ian was not content with voluntary work at regional level but also played a role in developing mountain rescue nationally. He was soon actively involved in all administrative matters becoming a Trustee of Mountain Rescue England and Wales in 1980.
If that commitment was not enough, Ian also joined Buxton Mountain Rescue Team in 1990 as an active rescuer. He was to become Team Chairman in 1991, a post he held for 20 years until becoming President in 2011. In 2008 Ian, together with another team member, Roger Bennett, wrote and published a book recounting the history and development of rescue in the Peak District. In a further demonstration of his commitment to community service, Ian also served as a Magistrate in Derbyshire for many years.
Ian’s life has been dedicated to the service of others and, as a volunteer, he has never been rewarded with, nor wished for, payment for any of his work. In June 2013 Ian was rewarded with an invitation to Buckingham Palace where Her Majesty The Queen awarded Ian with a Member of the British Empire medal for services to mountain rescue.
He will long be remembered for his dedication to helping people in distress in our remote areas and for his contribution to the development of mountain rescue over a period of fifty years. His depth of knowledge, vast experience and his cheerful face will be sadly missed.
Our thoughts are with his family and especially his wife Zan.
Funeral arrangements will be by R.W. Percival Funeral Directors of Buxton and details will be announced shortly.
Photo credit: BMRT. Ian (left) receiving Fifty Years Long Service Awards from P.D.M.R.O. President, David Coleman, in 2013.
One comment
Sad news indeed, Ian was a pillar of support to all MR personnel regardless of team membership. My thoughts are with you all.